Opis artikla
The cable can be drawn out and can be locked several times with every rotation of the drum. After a pulling a little, the drum retracts the entire cable.

Body and drum: plastic, mounting bracket: steel, painted black

max. 230 V (AC)

Scope of delivery:
Automatic cable winder with cable 3 x 1,5 mm² and Schuko socket and Schuko coupling, type KAC with free cable end at access, mounting bracket (pivoting)
Dol­ži­na kabla 10
Ra­zred za­šči­te IP 44
Pri­ključ­na moč na­vi­ta 1600
Pri­ključ­na moč od­vi­ta 2400
Dodatne informacije o KAC10315
Teža 5 kg / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 85444995
Proizvajalec Cejn
*not CEJN brand

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