Coupling socket (NW7,2) G 1/4"(male thread), Medenina

Št. Izdelka:

KDG 14 NW7

Opis artikla
Body: brass, nickel-plated brass, hardened steel or stainless steel 1.4305, seal: NBR (stainless steel: FKM)

Temperature range:
-20°C to max. +100°C (stainless steel: -15°C to max. +200°C, plastic sleeve max. +80°C)

Operating pressure:
-0,95 do 35 bar

Standard: 1100 l/min, ball lock: 1850 l/min, ball lock & plastic sleeve: 2100 l/min (each coupling in conjunction with blocking coupling plug -BA: 800 l/min)

Coupling plugs with valve for double-sided shut off (-BA) can only be used with the special coupling sockets (-BA) provided for them.

Compatible with**:
Rectus (25, 26, 1600, 1625), TEMA (1600), CEJN (320), JWL (520, 530, 560), Legris (25, 26), Parker (PE, PEF), Prevost (E ... 07), Festo (KD4 / KS4 / NPHS), IMI-Norgren (238), Aventics (CP1-NW 7 / 7.8) and many other German brands

FKM seals (-15°C to +160°C) instead of NBR seals -V, can be used for plugs blocking both sides -BA, NPT thread -NPT
Ma­te­ri­al Me­de­ni­na
Navoj zu­na­nji G 1/4"
Te­sni­la NBR
Pri­mer­no za vtiče – omo­go­ča­jo obo­je­stran­sko za­po­ro ne
Iz­ved­ba Stan­dard
de­jan­ska na­ziv­na ši­ri­na 7,2
Ve­li­kost klju­ča 22
Tem­pe­ra­tur­no ob­mo­čje od -20 do +100
Dodatne informacije o KDG14NW7
Teža 75 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 84812090
Skladno z RoHS Da
***6 bar input pressure, 0,5 bar pressure difference
**Names and designations are partly trademarks of the manufacturers entered.
*SW 22 with PTFE coated G-thread

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
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