360-degree view: PGEA 2054 ES - Crimped fitting, transition nipple 54mm male/ R 2" AG
Zgleden uprizoritev: Adapter nipple with external press end & male thread stainless steel
Zgleden uprizoritev: Pipe accessories
Risba: Adapter nipple with external press end & male thread
360-degree view: PGEA 2054 ES - Crimped fitting, transition nipple 54mm male/ R 2" AG
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Opis artikla
Materials: Bodies: Copper/copper alloy, type stainless steel: 1.4404,Seals: FKM (red)
Temperature range*: -20 do +200 °C (depending on medium), temporarily maks. +280 °C
Operating pressure: Type copper / copper alloy: 16 bar, Vacuum up to -0.8 bar, Type stainless steel: Ø 15 - 22: 40 bar, Ø 28 - 35: 25 bar, Ø 42 - 54: 16 bar, all diameters: technical gases (for example compressed air, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide): 16 bar, Vacuum up to -0.8 bar
Fields of application: Compressed air, cooling water, industrial water, heating water, heating oil systems, thermic solar systems with glycol or glycol water mixture
Advantages: •thanks to the FKM seal also suitable for oil bearing compressed air and water/glycol mixtures, •can be pressed using all standard die sets and slings, which correspond to the original pressing contours M, V and SA, •use with standard EN 1057 copper tubing (copper/copper alloy type), •Use with our stainless steel system pipe 1.4404 manufactured according to DIN EN 10312 (Stainless steel type)
Warning: Crimped fittings made of C steel are not suitable for compressed air lines due to the risk of corrosion. We therefore do not offer them.
*due to the variety of applications, the following excerpt lists the max. temperature values: compressed air, heating oil, water (without additives): -20°C to max. +120°C glycol-water mixture, glycol: -20°C to max. +200°C (temporary up to max. +280°C)
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.