Dairy hose (lahko), 19 (3/4")x29mm

Št. Izdelka:


Opis artikla
Inner core: NBR, white, smooth, food-grade in accordance with the requirements BfR (former BgVV) XXI Cat-2, FDA CFR 21 177.2600 & Regulation (EC) 1935/2004, resistant to grease and oil, pressure carrier: Wound textile inserts, outer cover: NVC, grease and oil resistant, fabric impression

Temperature range:
Type light: -30 °C to max. +80 °C, sterilisable with steam (briefly up to +110 °C, max. 10 min., max. 1.5 bar), type standard: -35°C to max. +95°C, saturated steam up to max. 164°C

Operating pressure:
Type light: 10 bar (burst pressure: 30 bar), type standard: 18 bar (burst pressure: 55 bar), saturated steam: 6 bar

Operating range:
For passing through liquid foodstuffs, particularly milk and dairy products, as well as animal and vegetable oils and fats. Resilient against commercially available cleaning agents for sterilisation. Standard type can also be used as a steam hose.

Roll length:
40 m
Iz­ved­ba lahko
Pre­mer mehke cevi (zno­traj) 19 (3/4")
Pre­mer mehke cevi (zunaj) 29
min. upo­gib­ni radij 120
Tem­pe­ra­tur­no ob­mo­čje -30 do +80
Tem­pe­ra­tur­no ob­mo­čje krat­ko­roč­no +110
Obra­to­val­ni tlak 10
Raz­poč­ni tlak 30
Dodatne informacije o GSM19BGVVL
Teža 600 g / m
Embalažna enota 40 m
Številka carinskega blaga 40094100
Proizvajalec Parker

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
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