Electrical rotary actuator 24 do 240 V (AC/DC), size 5

Št. Izdelka:

ELU 230-5

Opis artikla
Electrical rotary actuator with optical position indicator, manual emergency operation and switch room heating. Two additional limit switches are installed for further control requirements. An electronic torque limiting unit prevents damage in the event of overload. The manual emergency operation can be done without dismantling the external cladding. Do not install upside down!

Body: PA 6

Temperature range:
-20 do +70 °C

Type 230: 24 - 240 V AC/DC (sanitary actuator: 85 - 240 V AC/DC), Type 24: 24 V AC/DC, (drives can be operated with DC or AC voltage).

Protection class:
IP 67 (sanitary actuator and special industrial drive: IP 65)

Power-on time:

Installation position:
arbitrary, but not at the top

Optional for universal industrial drives**:
"Battery Safety Return" for emergency closing NC (default configuration) or emergency opening NO (conversion with a jumper) when there is a power failure -BSR, Positioning system 0 - 10 V or 4 - 20 mA (conversion with a jumper), precision: 3%, linearity: 2%, hysteresis: 3%, switch position NC or NO (conversion with a jumper) -DPS

Retrofit kits for universal industrial drives:
•”Battery Safety Return” for emergency closing NC (standard configuration) or emergency opening NO (changeover by jumper) in the event of power failure,
•positioning system 0 - 10 V or 4 - 20 mA (switching by jumper), precision: 3%, linearity: 2%, hysteresis: 3%, switching position NC or NO (switching by jumper)

•Universal mounting flange according to ISO 5211 suitable for several connection configurations and square dimensions,
•manual emergency actuation,
•2 additional limit switches,
•torque cut-off,
•variable voltage (DC or AC),
•heater integrated in the drive housing,
•Universal industrial drive can be retrofitted with a retrofitting set with a positioning system or "Battery Safety Return"
Iz­ved­ba Universal-​Industrieantrieb
Ve­li­kost 5
Na­pe­tost 24 do 240 V (AC/DC)
Pri­mer­no za mon­ta­žo pri­rob­ni­ce ISO 5211 F05 / F07
Če­tve­ro­rob­nik (C) 11 / 14 / 17
A 50 / 70
B M 6 / M 8
Na­sta­vljal­ni čas 29
De­lov­ni navor 85 Nm (90 Nm*)
Nachrüstsatz "Bat­tery Sa­fe­ty Re­turn" ELU BSR
Nachrüstsatz Po­si­ti­o­ni­er­sy­stem ELU DPS
*max. torque (not for continuous operation), **not for sizes 6 and 7

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
Takoj dobavljivo