360-degree view: FW EF 11220 - Filtrirni vstavek za fini filter pitne vode
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Opis artikla
Version: Fine filter for the filtration of drinking and process water (neutral) as well as chemical-free cooling water from once-through cooling systems (no circulating water). Protects the pipelines and the system parts connected to them against malfunctions and corrosion damage caused by foreign particles carried in the water, such as rust particles, chips, sand, hemp, etc.
Materials: Body: brass, brass sieve bowl: clear special plastic
Temperature range: +5 do +40 °C (medium +5 do +30 °C)
Input pressure: 0 do 16 bar
Pressure gauge connection: G 1/8" (only G 3/4" to G 1-1/4")
Pore width in the filter: 90 µm
Media: Drinking water, process water (neutral), chemical-free water for various industrial applications (no circulating water)
Approvals: R 1": DIN DVGW type examination (test principles DIN DVGW type examination: DIN 19628, DIN EN 13443-1, UBA BWGL metals, UBA elastomer, UBA transitional regulation KTW BWGL, DVGW W 270)
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