FISCHER dowel, SX Plus 8x65 brez roba, Pakiranje s 50 kosi

Št. Izdelka:


Opis artikla
Concrete and solid masonry units, vertically perforated bricks, aerated concrete, lightweight concrete hollow blocks. The dowel must be placed flush in the load-bearing substrate.

Screws that can be used:
Wood or chipboard screws

•special fixing wings to keep the screw fixed in place, making overhead applications easier,
•the short dowel length enables quick installation thanks to the shallow drill hole depth,
•in a long version with high load-bearing capacity in perforated building materials, aerated concrete or when bridging plaster,
•the pronounced dowel edge prevents the dowel from slipping deeper into the drill hole
Iz­ved­ba brez roba
Pre­mer iz­vr­ta­ne lu­knje 8
min. glo­bi­na iz­vr­ti­ne 75
Dol­ži­na mo­zni­ka 65
min. de­be­li­na plošč 65
Pre­mer na­vo­ja 4,5 - 6
Ko­li­či­na Pa­ki­ra­nje s 50 kosi
Dodatne informacije o DUBELSX8X65OR
Teža 145 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 39269097
Proizvajalec Fischer

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