Flat suction cleaner, P-series, Ø 7x1mm, Silikon (50 A), prozorna

Št. Izdelka:


Opis artikla
CR material:
Description: Chloroprene; temperature range: -40°C up to max. +110°C; wear resistant: fair; resistance to oil: good; Weather and ozone resistance: good; petrol resistance: not recommended; advantage weather resistant; Recommended for: Universal use

NBR material:
Description: Nitrile rubber; temperature range: -30°C up to max. +90°C; wear resistant: fair; resistance to oil: very good; Weather and ozone resistance: not recommended; petrol resistance: fair; Advantage: oil-resistant, water-resistant up to max. 70°C; recommendation for: Universal use

Material silicone:
Description: Silicone rubber; Temperature range: -40°C up to max. +200°C; wear resistant: not recommended; oil resistance: not recommended; Weather and ozone resistance: very good; petrol resistance: not recommended; advantage Temperature resistant, very flexible; Recommended for: Food, electronics

PUR material:
Description: Polyurethane; Temperature range: -20°C up to max. +80°C; wear resistant: good; oil resistance: very good; Weather and ozone resistance: fair; petrol resistance: good; advantage: long service life; recommended for: harsh operating conditions, automobile

NR material:
Description: Natural rubber; temperature range. -40°C up to max. +80°C; wear resistant: good; oil resistance: not recommended; Weather and ozone resistance: not recommended; petrol resistance: not recommended; advantage flexible, wear-resistant; recommended for: Wood, uneven surfaces

NRE material:
Description: Natural rubber; temperature range. -40°C up to max. +80°C; wear resistant: good; oil resistance: not recommended; Weather and ozone resistance: not recommended; petrol resistance: not recommended; advantage very flexible, wear-resistant; recommended for: Wood, uneven surfaces

SBR material:
Description: Styrene-butadiene rubber; temperature range: -30°C up to max. +80°C; wear resistant: very good; oil resistance: not recommended; Weather and ozone resistance: fair; petrol resistance: fair; Advantage: non-marking, very flexible, very abrasion resistant; recommended for: Wood, uneven surfaces

Scope of delivery:
1 pc Suction cup (bracket must be ordered separately)
Ma­te­ri­al Si­li­kon (50 A)
D Ø 7
Hod 1
Barva pro­zor­na
Pri­klju­ček (zu­na­nji navoj) M 5
No­si­lec VSPH A50
D1 2,0
D2 5,0
h 7,0
H 14,5
Tem­pe­ra­tur­no ob­mo­čje od -40 do +200
Tip no­sil­ca A
Dodatne informacije o VSP7FSI
Teža 0,2 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 84879090
Skladno z RoHS Da
*with support rib

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
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še 13 Min.

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