360-degree view: DMWV 10-24 ES - Flow meter/monitor, 8 do 24 l/min, 1.4571
Zgleden uprizoritev: Viscosity-compensated flow monitor with flow meter, 1.4571
360-degree view: DMWV 10-24 ES - Flow meter/monitor, 8 do 24 l/min, 1.4571
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Opis artikla
Application: Flow monitors monitor a flow quantity that can be set. If this is exceeded or undershot, a contact gets actuated. A voltage supply is not necessary because of the potential-free reed contacts. The additional scale allows reading the momentary flow directly on the instrument.
Temperature range: -20 do +120 °C, Environment: maks. +80 °C
Protection class: IP 53
Measurement principle: Spring loaded float
Installation position: arbitrarily (preferred from bottom to top)
Direction of flow: Samo v eno smer
Electrical connection: Kotni konektor velikosti 3, 3-polni (DIN 43650 / EN 175301-803 A) (Plošcati pin)
Switch type: Zapiralo
Switching capacity: 250 V AC, 100 VA, max. 5 A / 250 V DC, 100 W, max. 5 A
Media: Oils and other fluids with 30 - 600 cSt viscosity (0.1 - 0.8 l/min: max. 400 cSt)
Advantages: •Scale and switching point do not have to be adjusted according to the medium and pressure.
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.