FUTURA Fini filter (pod-mikrofilter) G 1/4", Futura 1

Št. Izdelka:

FX 14 F M AM

Opis artikla
Body: PA 66 GF60, seals: NBR, condensate container: polycarbonate

Temperature range:
-10 do +50 °C

Input pressure:
1.5 - 16 bar (model series 0: 1.5 - 12 bar)

Condensate draining:
Semi-automatic** (activated carbon filter without drainage)

Compressed air, neutral gases

Operating material without its own potential source of ignition in accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU (not model series 0 or differential pressure indicator / differential pressure gauge)

•simple assembly of single components using coupling kits within a model series.

Microfilters are used where high requirements are required for the purity of the compressed air requirements. Finest particle (> 0,01 µm) and oil mist is separated here. We recommend the upstream connection of a prefilter to increase the service life.

Dust removal:
> 0,01 µm (99,999 %)

Residual oil content:
0.01 mg/m³ (Class 1 according to DIN ISO 8573-1)

Version with metal bowl and inspection tube (model series 0: without inspection tube) -M, automatic discharge -AM, automatic discharge closed when not pressurised (0 to 16 bar, model series 0: 0 - 12 bar) -AMNC
Iz­ved­ba Fini fil­ter (pod-​mikrofilter)
Se­ri­ja Fu­tu­ra 1
Navoj G 1/4"
op­ti­mal­ni pre­tok* 350
Iz­ved­ba zbi­ral­ni­ka Ko­vin­ska po­so­da s pro­zor­no cevjo
Iz­pust kon­den­za­ta av­to­mat­sko
Maks. ko­li­či­na kon­den­za­ta 12
H 169
H1 130
L 52
Pri­tr­dil­ni no­si­lec W 1 F
Sklo­pni paket KP 1 F
Sklo­pni paket s sten­sko kon­zo­lo KPW 1 F
Na­do­me­stni fil­ter X 23/40
Pri­kaz di­fe­renč­ne­ga tlaka DDA B
Ma­no­me­ter di­fe­renč­ne­ga tlaka DDA M
Vho­dni tlak 1,5 - 16
Dodatne informacije o FX14FMAM
Teža 490 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 84213925
Skladno z RoHS Da
*at 6 bar input pressure and 0.1 bar pressure loss, **as soon as the inlet pressure falls below the minimum input pressure, the drain valve opens automatically. The semi-automatic drain valve can be prevented from opening by screwing the drain screw tight.

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
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