Guillemin coupling G 2" (MT), Nerjavno jeklo, Brez zaklepanja (kombinacija mogoca samo s sklopko z z

Št. Izdelka:


Opis artikla
With the symmetric Guillemin couplings, connection is achieved through intermeshing of 4 upright claws. In mobile systems, generally, a coupling that is equipped with an adjustable clamping ring (locking) is used, which locks the claws upon twisting. In order for the connection to be set up, at least one of the coupling halves must be equipped with a lock. Only the coupling with locking is equipped with a soft seal.

Tankers, silos, industry and agriculture (mostly in France and BeNeLux)

Seal: NBR, if required, chain: stainless steel (type Aluminium: zinc-plated steel)

Temperature range:
-10°C to +80°C

Operating pressure:
16 bar
Ma­te­ri­al Ner­jav­no jeklo
Iz­ved­ba Brez za­kle­pa­nja (kom­bi­na­ci­ja mo­go­ča samo s sklop­ko z za­kle­pa­njem)
Ve­li­kost 2" (te­snil­na po­vr­ši­na 68 mm)
Zu­na­nji navoj G 2"
Dodatne informacije o GMKG20ES
Teža 430 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 73071990
Skladno z RoHS Da

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