Opis artikla
Precision pressure controllers are used to set the pressure exactly - regardless of the primary pressure and flow rate. There are used, for example, in control and regulation systems in process engineering, where the requirements for constancy of pressure are stringent. The regulator can be used with "normal" filtered compressed air.

Precision pressure reducer, reversible (with secondary relieving)

Body: die-cast zinc Z410, diaphragms and seals: NBR (non-ferrous metal free)

Temperature range:
-10 do +60 °C

Input pressure:
maks. 16 bar

Pressure gauge connection:
G 1/4"

Own air consumption:
1 l/min

Control accuracy:
± 7.5 mbar

Oiled and unoiled compressed air, neutral gasses

750 l/min, secondary vent: 30 l/min

•Automatic venting in the event of overpressure on the secondary side,
•Precise pressure regulation regardless of the pre-pressure and flow performance,
•Free of non-ferrous metal,
•Robust design, no microfilter necessary for compressed air

This device is supplied without a pressure gauge. We recommend ordering a suitable pressure gauge separately.
Iz­ved­ba Kom­plet za po­pra­vi­lo na­tanč­ne­ga re­gu­la­tor­ja tlaka in na­tanč­ne­ga re­gu­la­tor­ja fil­tra
Dodatne informacije o LRN14-REP
Teža 17 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 84819000
Skladno z RoHS Da

Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.
Takoj dobavljivo