Opis artikla
2-piece manual tap set, comprising pre-cutter and finish cutter for G-thread in accordance with DIN ISO 228 and Rp-thread in accordance with DIN 2999. Flanks relief ground, tolerance in accordance with ISO 2 / 6H, gate cut: 2 - 3 turns.


Use for steel, cast steel alloys and non-alloys (<800 N/mm² tensile strength), grey-, malleable-, ductile-, cast and sintered iron, nickel silver, graphite and short cutting aluminium alloys, brass and bronze.
Navoj G 3/8"
Pre­mer je­dr­ne vr­ti­ne 15,25
Šti­ri­ob­nik (DIN 10) 9,0
Dodatne informacije o GEWHG38
Teža 140 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 82074010

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