NOVUS Spenjac, 140 rezil, crno-siva


Zgleden uprizoritev: Block stapler B 50 Made in Germany tested safety
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.hinweis_alternative') }}
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.beschreibung_headline') }}
The listed NOVUS-staplers have a robust metallic construction and fully developed technology. The manufacturer grants a 25 year warranty for these products!
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.eigenschaften_headline') }}
Izvedba Spenjač
Spenjanje 140 rezil
uporabne sponke 100x 23/6 - 23/17
Barva črno-siva
Opis Cenovno ugoden zmogljivejši spenjač izdelan iz kovine s plastično prevlečenim spodnjim delom prepriča s sistemom proti blokiranju, sistemom obvoda in hitrim odstranjevanjem motenj. S kovinskim vodilom magazina in dvojnim vodilom spenjača.
ustrezne pritrdilne sponke HEFTKL 23/6
ustrezne pritrdilne sponke HEFTKL 23/17
{{ $t('shop.all.gewicht') }} 1,7 kg / Kos
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.zollwarennummer') }} 84729080
{{ $t('shop.all.hersteller') }} Schneider Novus
{{ $t('shop.all.dokumente') }}

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{{ $t('shop.all.spaetbestellservice') }}
{{ countdownAsString }} {{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }}
{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

{{ $t('shop.all.spaetbestellservice.hinweis') }}

{{ $t('shop.all.wochenendversand') }}
{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

{{ $t('shop.all.wochenendversand.hinweis') }}

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