OKS 1600/1601 - welding parting agent, 5 l posoda (DIN 51)

OKS 1600-5L

Zgleden uprizoritev: OKS release agent (canister) Field of application: separating welding technology Attribute environment-friendly Property: can be sprayed with air spray
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{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.beschreibung_headline') }}
Operating range:
Protection of surfaces of all kinds, as well as welding nozzles in oxyacetylene welding and inert gas welding. Prevents the incrustation of welding beads on the surface and the welding nozzle.

Environment-friendly, silicone-free, free of residue when removed. Retrospective varnishing, metallising and printing after previous cleaning possible without difficulty.
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.eigenschaften_headline') }}
Posoda 5 l posoda (DIN 51)
{{ $t('shop.all.gewicht') }} 5 kg / Kos
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.zollwarennummer') }} 38109090
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.rohskonform') }} {{ $t('shop.all.ja') }}
{{ $t('shop.all.hersteller') }} OKS
{{ $t('shop.all.dokumente') }}

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{{ $t('shop.all.spaetbestellservice') }}
{{ countdownAsString }} {{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }}
{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

{{ $t('shop.all.spaetbestellservice.hinweis') }}

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{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

{{ $t('shop.all.wochenendversand.hinweis') }}

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