OKS 3750/3751 - adhesive lubricant with PTFE, 5 l posoda (DIN 51)

OKS 3750-5L

Zgleden uprizoritev: OKS adhesive lubricant with PTFE (canister) Field of application: slide bearings Field of application: chains Field of application: pivot bearings Field of application: levers Field of application: sliding guides Field of application: linear guidance systems Field of application: hinges Field of application: wire cables Property: corrosion protection Property: long-lasting effect Property: water resistant Property MOSH/MOAH-free Property: food processing
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.hinweis_alternative') }}
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.beschreibung_headline') }}
Temperature range:
-35 do +180 °C

Operating range:
Lubricating oil with PTFE additive

Long operating times due to high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance, excellent protection against wear, adheres well, resistant to steam, alkaline and acidic disinfectants and cleaning agents, tasteless and odourless.

NSF H1 (OKS 3751: Reg. 124801, OKS 3750: Reg. 124383).
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.eigenschaften_headline') }}
Posoda 5 l posoda (DIN 51)
{{ $t('shop.all.gewicht') }} 4,6 kg / Kos
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.zollwarennummer') }} 34039900
{{ $t('shop.display.artikel.rohskonform') }} {{ $t('shop.all.ja') }}
{{ $t('shop.all.hersteller') }} OKS
{{ $t('shop.all.dokumente') }}
    Catalogue page Atlas 9 (Page 1037a_n) atlas9_neutral_seiten/1037a_n.pdf
    Dokumentacijo sdb/oks_3750.pdf
    Safety data sheet: OKS 3750 sdb/sdb_oks_3750.pdf
  • {{ $t('shop.display.datenblatt.titel') }} (Pogled za tiskanje)

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{{ countdownAsString }} {{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }}
{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

{{ $t('shop.all.spaetbestellservice.hinweis') }}

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{{ $t('shop.modules.navi.fruehbucher-spaetbestellhinweis.noch') }} {{ countdownAsString }}

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