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Opis artikla
Properties: Polyurethane coil tubes have high wear, pressure and abrasion resistance. The prevent scratching of painted surfaces (bodywork construction), have a lasting return force and at the same time have very good buckling resistance and elasticity.
Materials: Polyester polyurethane
Temperature range: -20 do +60 °C
Operating pressure: 10 bar
Colour: modro
Advantages: •with pivoting connections for slow rotary movements to avoid twisting of the hoses, •with coupling socket and coupling plug- immediately usable at the workplace
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.