360-degree view: SL 29 SB - Safety hose clamp malleable cast iron zinc-plated, 22 do 29mm
Zgleden uprizoritev: Safety hose clamp, galvanised malleable cast iron
Application examples: Safety hose clamp, galvanised malleable cast iron
360-degree view: SL 29 SB - Safety hose clamp malleable cast iron zinc-plated, 22 do 29mm
Takoj dobavljivo iz skladišča. Naročite do 16:30 ure in naročilo bomo odpremili še danes.
Opis artikla
Materials: Malleable cast iron, zinc plated
Advantages: •high clamping strength - even hose clamping from all sides from the laterally free tongues, •additional security from the safety catches in conjunction with the hose fittings with safety collars
Warning: The claws should be at least 3 mm in the insert. Check during assembly!
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