Opis artikla
Body and slider: Aluminium, gaskets: NBR, pilot: Plastic

Operating pressure:
1.5 - 8 bar (5/3-directional: 2 - 8 bar)

oiled and unoiled filtered compressed air

Switching time:
<15 ms, max. 5 switching cycles / sec. (5/3-directional: max. 3 switching cycles / sec.)

Control voltages:
24 V DC

Voltage tolerance:
± 10 %

Power consumption:
0,8 W / valve solenoid

Protection class:
IP 40

Service life:
min. 40 million switching cycles

with LED switching status display

Scope of delivery:
Valve including screws and gasket

These valves can simply be screwed onto a valve position of an existing valve terminal to extend the functional range of a standard terminal or to replace a defective valve.
Iz­ved­ba Ven­til pri­ključ­ne plo­šče
Funk­ci­ja 2x 3/2-​potni (NO/NO)
Koda H
Pre­tok 700
Dodatne informacije o SVM5422-H
Teža 120 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 84812090
Skladno z RoHS Da
Proizvajalec EMC

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