SOPA-CM2H-R1-HQ6-2N-M12 (552135) air gap sensor

Št. Izdelka:


Per­mis­si­on RCM mark,
c UL us - Re­co­gni­zed (OL)
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­te (see de­cla­ra­ti­on of con­for­mi­ty) acc. to EU-​EMV Di­rec­ti­ve,
acc. to EU-​RoHS Di­rec­ti­ve
KC-​mark KC-​EMV
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on Co­pper and PTFE-​free,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Er­fas­sun­gsgröße Ab­stand
Me­a­su­re­ment prin­ci­ple pne­u­ma­tic
Re­cor­ding range [µm] 20 to 200
Ope­ra­ting pres­su­re [bar] 4 to 7
Feed pres­su­re [bar] 0.8 to 1.6
Ope­ra­ting me­di­um Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
In­for­ma­ti­on about ope­ra­ting and con­trol me­di­um Oiled ope­ra­ti­on pos­si­ble (re­qui­red in further ope­ra­ti­ons)
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] 0 to 50
Wi­e­der­hol­ge­na­u­i­gke­it in ± µm [µm] 2,5
Con­trol ou­tput 2xNPN
Switch func­ti­on Fenster-​Komparator,
Schwel­lwert mit va­ri­a­bler Hy­ste­re­se
Swit­ching ele­ment func­ti­on Ope­ner/clo­ser swit­cha­ble
Max. ou­tput cur­rent [mA] 100
Short cir­cu­it re­si­s­tan­ce yes
Ope­ra­ting vol­ta­ge range DC [V] 22.8 to 26.4
Re­ver­se po­la­ri­ty pro­tec­ti­on for all elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­ons
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on 1, con­nec­ti­on type Plug
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on 1, con­nec­ti­on te­ch­no­lo­gy M12x1 A coded to EN 61076-​2-101
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on 1, num­ber of pins / wires 5
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on 1, fa­ste­ning type Screw lock
Fa­ste­ning type With thro­u­gh­way bores,
With Slot rail,
With Wall / flat hol­der,
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nec­ti­on QS-6
Pro­duct wei­ght [g] 570
Ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al PA-​verstärkt,
Alu­mi­ni­um elo­xi­ert
Di­s­play type Il­lu­mi­na­ting LCD Mul­ti­ple
Set­ting op­ti­ons Teach-​in,
Via di­s­play and but­tons
Tamper-​proof fuse Elec­tro­nic loc­king
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP65
Cor­ro­si­on re­si­s­tant class KBK 2 - mo­de­ra­te cor­ro­si­on stress
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO025211
Teža 570 g / Kos
Številka carinskega blaga 90318020
Proizvajalec Festo

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