VZXA-B-TS7-1 1/2"-M2-V14T-9.3# (8060550) Angle seat val.

Št. Izdelka:


Con­struc­ti­on set up Po­ppet valve with pi­ston ac­tu­a­tor
Ac­tu­a­ti­on type pne­u­ma­tic
in­stal­la­ti­on po­si­ti­on ar­bi­trary
Fa­ste­ning type pipe in­stal­la­ti­on
Line con­nec­ti­on Gewin­de­mu­ffe 1 1/2 NPT nach ANSI/ASME B 1.20.1
Valve func­ti­on 2/2
Flow di­rec­ti­on Not re­ver­si­ble
Me­di­um pres­su­re [bar] 0 to 9.3
Reset mode Me­cha­ni­cal spring
Con­trol type Re­mo­te con­trol­led
Pne­u­ma­tic con­nec­ti­on fe­ma­le thre­ad G1/8
Be­tri­eb­sdruck Mpa [MPa] 0.5 to 1
Ope­ra­ting pres­su­re [bar] 5 to 10
Ope­ra­ting pres­su­re [psi] [psi] 72,5 bis 145
me­di­um Hydrau­lic oil on the basis of mi­ne­ral oil,
Inert gases,
mi­ne­ral oil,
Ne­u­tral li­quids,
Fil­te­red com­pres­sed air, fil­ter po­ro­si­ty 200 µm,
Flow di­rec­ti­on Lower valve seat, for gas and li­quid media
Con­trol of the me­di­um On/off mode
Ope­ra­ting me­di­um Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
Max. vi­sco­si­ty [mm²/s] 600
Me­di­um tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 180
am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] 0 to 60
Flow Kv [m³/h] 41,4
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on LABS con­ta­in­ing ma­te­ri­als in­clu­ded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
In­stru­ment ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al Cast sta­in­less steel
Ma­te­ri­al num­ber in­stru­ment ho­u­sing ASTM A351-​CF3M
Seals ma­te­ri­al FPM
Sp­in­dle seal ma­te­ri­al PTFE
Seat seal ma­te­ri­al PTFE
Pro­duct wei­ght [g] 4.610
Per­mis­si­on CRN
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­te (see de­cla­ra­ti­on of con­for­mi­ty) to EU ma­chi­ne­ry di­rec­ti­ve
Cer­ti­fi­ed awar­ding point CRN0C20829.5C,
TÜV 968/V 1039.00/18
Sa­fe­ty In­te­gri­ty Level (SIL) SIL 2
Pro­ba­bi­li­ty of Fa­i­lu­re per Hour in [1/h]. 1.36e-​007
PED (Pro­ba­bi­li­ty of fa­i­lu­re on de­mand) 0.000595
Ac­tu­a­tor di­men­si­ons [mm] 75
Stro­ke [mm] 20
Con­trol func­ti­on Clo­sed due to spring force, NC
Po­si­ti­on de­tec­ti­on With Me­cha­ni­cal di­s­play
Ac­tu­a­tor ho­u­sing ma­te­ri­al Cast sta­in­less steel
Ma­te­ri­al num­ber ac­tu­a­tor ho­u­sing 1.4408
Be­a­ring tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -10 to 60
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP65,
Pi­ston rod ma­te­ri­al High-​alloyed sta­in­less ste­els
Cover ma­te­ri­al Cast sta­in­less steel
Dodatne informacije o OT-FESTO071138
Številka carinskega blaga 84818073
Proizvajalec Festo

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