Skupina artiklov

Cevne spojke s prikljuckom cevi ISO 8434-1 (DIN 2353)


Pipeline coupling lock on plug and on the sleeve in uncoupled condition. The connection of the coupling sleeve and coupling plug is carried out via a screw connection with hand nut. When uncoupling the valves, the valves close before the coupling halves separate. Therefore an air inlet in the pipelines is prevented. The coupling and uncoupling is done almost without oil leaks. Can be coupled manually up to 20 bar under pressure (with tools even higher coupling pressures possible)


zinc plated steel, seal: NBR / PTFE

Temperature range:

-20 do +100 °C


•no entry of air during coupling procedure - the system need not be vented,
•connection of pipes without any oil leaks,
•plug and sleeve can be loaded up to the full operating pressure even uncoupled,
•sleeve is equipped with a bulkhead thread
*Plug uncoupled max. 330 bar


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Cevne spojke s prikljuckom cevi ISO 8434-1 (DIN 2353):
10 od 30 izdelkov
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Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Takoj dobavljivo
Vse navedbe podatkov so nezavezujoče orientacijske vrednosti! Za izbiro podatkov, za katere ne izdamo pisnega potrdila, ne prevzemamo jamstev. Navedbe tlaka, v kolikor ni navedeno drugače, se nanašajo na tekočine skupine II. pri +20°C.