Skupina artiklov

Poliuretanske gibke cevi, odporno na varilno brizganje, PUN ... FLAMEX


These hoses are designed for all applications in the sparking area of welding systems, spot welding guns or grinding machines. They have proven themselves well under the toughest conditions in extensive practical tests.


•extremely resistant to all forms of welding spatter and flying sparks,
•halogen-free flame retardant, self-extinguishing in case of fire - fire behaviour tested by “Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®”, classification from UL 94 V2 to V0,
•suitable for all common plug-in connections,
•resistant to water and aqueous solutions (hydrolysis and microbe resistant), -simple, quick and cost-efficient to install, as the time-consuming stripping of double-walled conduit is no longer necessary and no expensive special fittings are required,
•very tight bending radii possible,

•very good UV resistance,
•suitable for drag chains,
•without paint wetting inhibiting substances (LABS-free),
•approved by the German automotive industry


Polyether polyurethane (hydrolysis and microbe resistant)

Temperature range:

-30 do +100 °C

Shore hardness:

58 D



Roll length:

50 m


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Poliuretanske gibke cevi, odporno na varilno brizganje, PUN ... FLAMEX:
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