Skupina artiklov

Svetlobne zavese in svetlobni senzorji, miniaturno ohišje (M 3/25,4 mm)

Functional principle of diffuse-reflective photoelectric sensor

The diffuse-reflective photoelectric sensor has transmitter and receiver integrated in the same housing, similar to the retroreflective photoelectric sensors. However, as against the retroreflective photoelectric sensor, a reflector is not required. The sensor evaluates the light reflected by the object. The output of the sensor is connected through when the object reflects the light beam to the receiver. The specified scanning distances refer to a standard object with 90% re-emission (white paper). Diffuse-reflective photoelectric sensors with background fade-out only react to objects that are at another, adjustable distance from the sensor. All other objects are ignored.

Functional principle of retroreflective photoelectric sensor

In the case of the retroreflective photoelectric sensor, the transmitter and the receiver are integrated in one housing. The light beam is reflected back from the transmitter to the receiver via a reflector. The object to be acquired interrupts the light beam and the output is connected through. The function is not affected by the colour or the shape of the object. As compared to the one-way light barrier, the retroreflective photoelectric sensor has the advantage that only one active component has to be installed.

Functional principle of one-way light barriers

The one-way light barrier consists of a sender (the light source) and a receiver. The light beam from the sender to the receiver forms the "barrier" of the sensor. The object to be detected, intercepts the light beam between the sender and the receiver and the outlet is interconnected. As the detection principle has to do with the interception of the light beam, the function remains unaffected by the colour or shape of the object.


Housing: ABS, window: PMMA

Temperature range:

-25 do +65 °C

Protection class:

IP 67

Operating voltage:

10 do 30 V (DC)

Control output (PNP):

1 switching output (normally open), or 2 switching outputs (normally open / normally closed), max. 100 mA

Switching capacity:

maks. 1 W

Protection circuit:

Short-circuit protection, induction protection, reverse polarity protection


•IO-Link capable


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Svetlobne zavese in svetlobni senzorji, miniaturno ohišje (M 3/25,4 mm):
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