360-degree view: 544-12A - 4SH crimped fitting Oprijemalo 4 SH, 40,0 x 51,4 (Da x L)
Zgleden uprizoritev: Compression fitting for hydraulic hose, sleeve
Zgleden uprizoritev: Compression fitting for hydraulic hose
360-degree view: 544-12A - 4SH crimped fitting Oprijemalo 4 SH, 40,0 x 51,4 (Da x L)
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Opis artikla
These crimped fittings with tear-off protection are developed specially for the 4 SH-hose. The 4 SH-hose should be skived not only externally but also internally. When compressing, a "metallic bond" is created between the fitting and the hose and this exposes the hose equipped with fittings to the maximum pressure load. The advantage of this combination is, amongst others, the use of a flexible 4-spiral hose or a 4-SH hose instead of a "rigid" 6-spiral hose.
Warning: The hose must also be skived inside!
Oprijemalo 4 SH
Priključna velikost
40,0 x 51,4 (Da x L)
Stiskalni nastavek za cev 4 SH (EN 856) za armaturo z zaščito proti pretrgu
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